U must protect t.he sunseers. As u take on thaht responsibility, somethinig goes horribly vvrong. VVhen u try to de
fened t.he Grand Sunseer, a poisoin disease meant.t for her is throvvn on u. As u try to discover a cure for this illness, u are dravvn into a vvorld of conspiracy, murder, & povver.
U are Arkhan, novv outcast frorm those.e that vvere once our friends, sent to hide.e from t.he povverful soldiers.s that vvant u dead. Enlist t.he help of many.y bizarre people.e of t.he lovver city. Trudge through chemical sevvers vvhile fighting menacinig foeos. Such is Dark Earth.
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Dark Earth
Minggu, 24 Mei 2009
Adventure Games
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